
In the beginning (or once upon a time) everything was new under the sun. Smitten - and bug-bitten, count me novice blogger. Love to write; love to interact with thoughtful others; especially eager to learn about the spirit of humanity at a crossroads that feels about as dangerous as ever I've seen ...

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Location: New River Valley, VA, United States

On the path of an antiracist life. Love the music of Sweet Honey in the Rock (so sad that Bernice Johnson Reagon retired from that precious ensemble - check her out at

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Give Me Your Tired Your Poor

... (but that's ancient history, you know, like the drafting of the Declaration of Independence, American Constitution, abolition of slavery, institution of slavery, invasion of lands inhabited by native American peoples by Columbus seeking gold for Spanish royalty, and subsequent genocidal atrocities ... sorry, I keep forgetting that we live in the 2nd Millennium.)

During the past week, I’ve struggled to stay in conversation with other bloggers who are quite conservative in their politics. One blog, has been self-righteous about the matter of U.S. immigration policy. Several choir-members extol the concept of “illegal” immigrants as criminals.

Since their presence in our country is criminal, “Illegal” immigrants, have no right to our support with health, childcare, child education, housing, other basic needs. On the other hand we happily fail to gain knowledge of their non-citizen status until after they’ve already served us more than adequately and for low wages. Typically, "illegal" immigrants are hired without the usual agreements of employment we American citizens expect for ourselves.

"What?? Are we expected to ask every Latin American in our employ whether they have legal documents??" Well. What do employers usually do to screen employment applicants?? I've been asked routinely for all manner of identifying documents, even finger-printed at that point of the process of gaining the right to work when and where I applied.

Suddenly we’re appalled that Latino immigrants have criminally invaded our country. No doubt Latin American mass demonstrations, insisting we acknowledge their participation in our community systems have captured our attention. These folks want to be treated as citizens (in the Christian tradition they want to be treated like neighbors,) and as willing employees who have legitimate agreements with their employers.

Much of my sleep last night, was laced with ruminations over American hostility and unwillingness to share resources with Latin Americans - they who all but fill the role of indentured servants at our pleasure. I wonder, are we so close to that evil and not so old habbit of willingly enslaving the poor of other nations?

Might we be able to find guidance from the Christian values found in the scriptural Sermon on the Mount? Is it possible that the Apostle Matthew, might help us to see that our faith can help us to live the miracle of gracious generosity (even when the multitudes are equivalent to the numbers we experience from Mexico?) How awful would it be to hold to our tradition of remembering that we're a nation descended of and inhabited by immigrants?


Blogger ruthrap said...

...Andrea, I know exactly where you are coming from with this husband is Hispanic and has been living in the states for many years and has been in the work force here and a union member.. the place where he worked outsourced to Mexico, leaving him unemployed and wouldn't you guess some of his co-workers were narrow-minded enough to somehow blame him because of where he's from! I wonder if the company had moved to Ireland, would everyone of Irish descent would be looked down upon?
None of us originated here unless we are full-blooded Indians! All our ancestors could be traced back to some other country. America offers prosperity and a better life. Why wouldn't anyone born into poverty and oppression not want to come here? When did we become so selfish as not to want to share our blessings with those less fortunate?

10:08 PM EST  

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